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Pictures from the Year 2004.

Family Pictures


Holiday Pictures

Emiley opening presents    Emiley, Meghan and Karie    Meghan opening presents

Ashley opening presents    Christmas Dinner at Mom's House    Mom and Katie


Winter Concerts

Emiley    Meghan


Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving.    ...what?


Meghan's B-Day

Happy Birthday Meghan!    - make a wish.    Smile.    perfect fit.


Great Falls Park

(Great Falls and Mather Gorge on the Potomac River)

from the Overlook    Falls    Falls    looking down the river



Meghan as a Pea Pod    Meghan and Emiley    Emiley as a cow


Carving Pumpkins

  Emiley, her design and her pumpkin    Emiley's pumpkin    Meghan, her design and her pumpkin    Meghan's pumpkin



The 2004 Corn Maze

2004 North Run Farm Corn Maze

Emiley/Meghan/Ashley waiting to start.    Hayride to the Pumpkin Patch.

Ashley finds a great one!    Emiley loves the bright color!    Meghan picks the biggest one!


Maryland Renaissance Festival

Jousting    Mom - Stella

Ashley    Jim    Kate

Emiley    Michael    Mom    Stella



Pencil Sketch

Emiley    Emiley - Meghan    Meghan    Emiley - Kate - Meghan

Emiley    Meghan - Emiley    Emiley - Kate - Meghan    Meghan    Kate

Meghan    Emiley - Kate - Meghan    Emiley    Emiley - Meghan


Misc. Pics

Bald Eagle    Thomas Point Shoal Light    Bay Bridge Sunset

Osprey    Seagull    Inner Harbor Sunset

Fenwick Island Light    Bromo Seltzer Tower


Ashley turns 15!

Ashley and friends    Ashley and Buddy    Ashley Elizabeth Numbers


Awards Night

Emiley    Sisters    Meghan


...at the pool!

Ashley    Emiley    Meghan    Girls


Swim Meet

Springlake vs. Forest Hill

Springlake SwimTeam    Emiley    Meghan


Inner Harbor

Emiley - Dad - Meghan    Port Discovery HiFlyer    Inner Harbor view

Tall Ship - Sagres (Portugual) - at Inner Harbor    Tall Ship - Cisne Branco (Brazil) - at Inner Harbor    Tall Ship - Micrea (Romania) - at Inner Harbor


Swim Meet

Springlake vs. Wynnewood

Meghan / Emiley    Emiley    Meghan


Kate Numbers turns 40!

Kate    Family    Kate / Jim    Josey - Jim's Terrier


Swim Meet

Springlake vs. Hammond Park

Emiley    Emiley-Butterfly


Time Trials

Meghan    Emiley    Meghan / Kaylee


Fathers Day

Fathers Day 2004


Emiley's First Communion

Cake    Emiley Gallagher    Emiley-Jason-Meghan

Emiley w/GodMother Katie   Emiley w/Bill Gallagher


Emiley turns 10!

Emileys Birthday    Emiley w/Godparents (Katie & Tom)    Bill Gallaghers Birthday


Meghan's Spring Concert

Meghan-Spring Concert


Misc. Pics

2004 Cicadas

Rebecca-Sarah-Emiley-Meghan    Emiley in the goal!    Meghan waiting for the pass!


Lacrosse - Meghan

Cockeysville Lightning - 'Midget C'    ...going for the ball.


Friends Forever



Lacrosse - Emiley

Cockeysville Lightning Lacrosse    Goalie

Eyes on the ball    Race to the ball    Emiley gets it!


Lunar Pictures

Moon - February 29, 2004    Moon - March 02, 2004


Pictures from Berlin

Mandy jumping Dancer    Noel    Scooby    George, Laura and Bill


Loch Raven Reservoir

Sun thru Trees at Loch Raven    Sunset At Loch Raven    Sunset at Loch Raven