Welcome to the


Home Up


Pictures from the Year 2006.

Family Pictures


Some very special visitors

Simonetti girls, Gallagher girls and Lily!    Simonetti girls and Gallagher girls!



Emiley    Emiley    Emiley

Meghan    Meghan    Meghan


Christmas Day

Emiley and Meghan    gathered around the tree with Dad.    ready for a Christmas feast.


Winter Concert

Emiley    Emiley


Getting ready for X-Mas

Emiley and Meghan    ...just having fun!!!


Parade of Lights at Inner Harbor

Lighted Boat    Downtown Baltimore in background    Lighted Boat


Thanksgiving Day

Dinner at Kate & Jim's.    Emiley, Kate and Meghan.


Gallagher Birthday celebration

Laureen (10-05), Meghan (11-09), Michael (10-26)    Bill, Laureen and Meghan


Meghan turns 14!

...the Birthday girl.    hoping her wish comes true!    just what she wanted.

group picture.    Ashley, Meghan and Emiley.    Meghan and Dad.



Emiley    Kaylee, Emiley and Meghan    Meghan

priceless!    Happy Halloween.


Homecoming Dance

Meghan    Meghan


The 2006 Corn Maze


2006 Corn Maze

...just before getting lost!    Kate    Ashley

Meghan    Emiley    Emiley and Erin


Mom's Birthday

Happy Birthday Mom!    ...enjoying the company.    Mom and her granddaughters.    a group picture.



Girls    Emiley, Meghan and Kaylee    Emiley, Meghan and Dad


A new addition



Swim Team

Divisional Swim Meet - 2nd in Relay, 6th in Backstroke!

Swim Meet #4    Swim Meet #4    Swim Meet #3    Swim Meet #3

Meghan - Meet#2    Meghan - Meet#2    Meghan - Meet#2


Kate turns 42!

...getting ready to blow out ALL those candles!    the birthday Girl!

Mom, Sister and Brother.    Mom, Kate and Ashley.    Kate and Jim.



Billy Todd turns 21!

The 'Dude' and his band "Lower Class Citizens" jam at the Globe in Berlin, MD to celebrating the release of their 1st CD.    Tuning up the axe!    ...can you feel it?

Lower Class Citizens Website


Meghan graduates!

It is all over now!    Meghan moves on to 9th!

Meghan and Kate    Graduates.


Girl Scouts

Ashley Elizabeth Numbers    "passing the light"

Congratulations!    ...the new 'Senior' Girl Scouts receiving the Silver Award!


Emiley turns 12!

Emiley - 12 years old!

making a wish.    there she goes.    Emiley, Ashley and Meghan.


Spring Concerts

Emiley    Meghan


School Dance

Ready for the BIG dance!    Meghan



Emiley scores her 14th goal of the season!    Meghan on the move!

Emiley shoots and scores!    Emiley in the goal.    Emiley scoring a goal.    Meghan on the run.

Emiley is on the move!    She shoots....and scores!    Trying to stop a fast one.    Meghan making her move.

...another goal scored by Meghan!    Meghan takes a shot on goal.    Meghan waiting for a pass.    Meghan getting ready for her signature shot.


- Congrats to the new parents -
Bridget and Lang
Proudly announce the birth of their daughter
- Molly -
Born: April 15 @ 9:24 pm

Easter Day

Meghan and Emiley    Meghan. Emiley and Dad    Katie, Ashley and Jim    Easter gathering


Pictures from the Eastern Shore

Bridget and Mom    Bridget's Baby Shower    Beth's homemade cake    Billy Todd.


St. Patrick's Day

Jason jamming on St. Paddy's Day

some Irish dancing.    Emiley, Ashley and Meghan at the parade    marching along!


Baltimore's Inner Harbor

View of Baltimore's Inner Harbor from Federal Hill


Aquarium visit

Scarlet Ibis    Dolphin    Dolphin    Yellow-headed Amazon Parrot

Emiley, Meghan and Lucy



February 12th Snowstorm    Girls

Emiley    Meghan    Emiley    Meghan



Meghan from the outside.    Meghan scores two more!


Meghan scoring 2 points!    ...beyond the 3-point line!    Meghan on defense.


Meghan ready for defense    taking a shot!    moving the ball.


Happy New Year!!!

... spending New Years Eve with the Simonetti girls!    at Longwood Gardens.