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Home Up


Pictures from the Year 2007.

Family Pictures

Merry Christmas

all gathered togetherfor a family dinner.

Jason    Meghan    Emiley

Conor and Grandmom.    Conor and parents.    Conor.


Jason turns 24

Happy Birthday Jason!

Jason.    Jason and his sisters.    gathered around the X-Mas tree.


Meghan turns 15

the Birthday girl!    Meghan    a great smile!

what she always wanted.    more Star Wars.

Emiley and Conor.    Jim and Kate.


Family Pics

Kate and Conor

Ashley and Conor    Meghan and Conor    Emiley and Conor




Meghan    Meghan and friends.    Kaylee


Conor James

Conor - 6 months old.


A birthday party for you know who?

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mom and Conor    Mom and Kate

Tish and Hank Wolfe    Rose O'Doherty    Marilyn and Ken Molz



Emiley learns to surf!    Emiley surfing.    Surfer Girls!    Emiley - Surfer Girl

Emiley, Kate and Meghan.    Meghan catching a nice wave.    Meghan boogie boarding.


Ashley turns 18!

The Birthday Girl - Ashley    Ashley and her friends.



...at the Zoo.


Swim Team Pictures

Divisionals - Emiley    Divisionals - Emiley    Divisionals - Emiley

Divisionals - Meghan    Divisionals - Meghan    Divisionals - Meghan

Emiley    Meghan

Emiley    Emiley    Meghan    Meghan


Congrats to Emiley

She is now a teenager.

- look out everyone! -

the birthday girl!    a teenager?    opening gifts.

a family picture.    Father and Son.    Meghan and Conor.


Spring Concert

Emiley ready to play the viola    Emiley    playing the viola


Preakness Day festivities

Emiley and Conor    BIG money winners!    the winners and the hostess.


Mothers Day

Mom and me


another family gathering

Conor and all the girls!    Ashley    Kate, Ashley and Conor.

MomMom and Conor    Meghan, Ashley and Emiley    Emiley and Conor    Emiley and Meghan!


a family gathering

Easter at Kate and Jim's house


a special congrats to-

Kate and Jim

Conor James

Conor, Jim and Kate    Conor and Mom    Conor and Dad

Conor James

7 lbs. 12 oz. - 19 1/2"

born 12:43 am on March 30, 2007

Conor and his BIG sister, Ashley    Conor and Emiley    Conor and Meghan    Conor and Mom-Mom


Meghan and Footloose

Meghan in Footloose, the musical    Meghan getting ready for the next scene.    Meghan getting ready to stretch.    all done!

Meghan, Jason and Dad    Meghan, Ashley, Katie and Mom-Mom



Meghan    Karie    Emiley


Girls Basketball

Meghan    Emiley and Meghan    Emiley

Emiley    Meghan    Emiley    Meghan


a Winter Sunrise!

Sunrise in January    what a view!