Welcome to the


Home Up


Pictures from the Year 2009.

Family Pictures



Christmas dinner at Jim and Kate's

you figure it out?    Meghan and Emiley.    Meghan, Emiley and Susan.


Congratulations Meghan!

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Meghan's Birthday

Meghan turns 17!

Dinner at the Biggars.    Conor.    Ashley, Kate and Mom.    Ashley, Emiley and Meghan.

Ashley.    a group photo.    Conor.



photo by Meghan    photo by Meghan    photo by Meghan    photo by Meghan    photo by Meghan

horse.    mast.



Mom's Birthday

Camden Yards    O's vs Red Sox

Ashley and Conor



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Swim Team

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Emiley    Meghan



Flag Day

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2009 Baltimore's Best Hon

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Emiley turns 15!

...make a wish!

homemade B-Day cake.

Grandmom and the girls.    Grandmom and Meghan.

the Graduate and the Birthday Girl!


Ashley - 2009 Graduate!

Class of 2009!

The Principal speaks.    receiving her diploma.    turn the tassle!

Congrats Graduate.



Jason, Meghan and Emiley    a group photo


DC Cherry Blossoms

Emiley and Meghan

Washington Monument    view from the Jefferson Memorial    around the Tidal Basin


More Friends!

Meghan, Rebecca, Sarah and Emiley!    who's the oldest?



Kate and Meghan    Kate, Meghan and Emiley


Meghan B-Ball





Karie - Our Golden Retriever