Welcome to the


Home Up


Pictures from the Year 2010.

Family Pictures



Christmas Dinner at the Biggar's


Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving dinner at Billy Todd's.    Jason, Meghan and Emiley


Uncle Bill

The birthday boy and his bride!    Uncle Bill and Ian    Barbara and Billy


Congratulations Meghan!

Staff writer for Towson University - The Towerlight



Deep Creek Lake

Mom fishing.



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Ashley turns 21!!!

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Day Trip to Easton

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Swim Team

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Emiley    Meghan

Kahlee    Emiley    Zoe

Meghan    Emiley


a Senior trip to the Great White North!

...and they're off!


Meghan graduates!

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Emiley turns 16!!!

Happy Birthday Emiley!

Emiley    Emiley    Emiley and Conor    Emiley

Ashley    Kate    Meghan    Mom

just chillin'    Meghan and Conor    the boys    Conor

Kate and Jim    Susan and Michael    sitting around the bonfire.    bff


Meghan's Prom night!


Meghan    Meghan,Hannah and Taylor    Meghan


a Senior Prom!

Emiley and Brian    Emiley and Brian    Emiley and Brian

Emiley, Brian and his parents    Brian, Emiley and her parents


Conor turns 3!

blowing out his candles!    Father and Son    Jim and Conor

the lucky winners!    Kentucky Derby Hats    Ashley, Emiley and Meghan

Ashley    Emiley    Meghan


Easter Sunday




what the ?????????    oh boy!    Mom and Conor    a Florida sunset

Jim and Conor    Ashley, Conor and Rusty.    ...and the winners are?    Conor

Father and Son!


a visit from PA and abroad!

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Great Falls, VA.

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Snow Storms

Feb 10th

Fun, fun, fun!    let it snow!    more snow.    driveway

Maryland Ave.    view of sidewalk.    Marburth Ave.


Feb 6th

Meghan and Emiley    York Road looking North    York Road looking South    Susans House

Emiley and Meghan and their igloo.    Evergreen Tree    Emiley, Susan and Meghan.    Holly Tree

Aigburth Road    Donnybrook Lane    Oakway Road    Reuter Road



2010 Team Photo


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Emiley    Zoe    look out!    Emiley & Zoe


Rec BBall    Rec BBall    Rec BBall


a PA visit

Meghan, Emiley, the Simonetti girls and Maria, an exchange student from Rome!     Emiley, Sarah, Rebecca, Maria and Meghan.    Rebecca, Meghan, Maria, Emiley and Sarah.